
“Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Global Gag Rule’s Impacts on Women’s Reproductive Health and Abortion Law in Malawi,” University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law (co-author, 2022) (link)

“Real Change for Afghan Women’s Rights: Opportunities and Challenges in the Upcoming Parliamentary Elections” (co-author, U.S. Institute of Peace Peace Brief, Aug. 11, 2010) (link)

“The Other Side of Gender: Including Masculinity Concerns in Conflict and Peacebuilding” (co-author, U.S. Institute of Peace Peace Brief, Jan. 14, 2011) (link)

“Learning from Women’s Success in the 2010 Afghan Elections” (co-author, U.S. Institute of Peace Special Report, Jun. 2012) (link)


“What is United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325?” (presentation, Montgomery College, Rockville, MD, Dec 2010) (link)

“Women and Peacebuilding” (presentation, Jewish Community Center, Washington, DC, Jan 2011)

“Gender and Good Governance” (presentation of course module in “Governance: Paths to Democratic Institution Building in Transition Environments,” U.S. Institute of Peace/UNITAR, New York, NY, May 2012)

“Gender and Peacebuilding” (presentation of course module in “Governance: Paths to Democratic Institution Building in Transition Environments,” U.S. Institute of Peace, Washington, DC, Sept. 2012)

"Suing Sudan: A Case Study" (panel member, Samuel Dash Conference on Human Rights, "Jurisdiction for Mass Atrocities," Georgetown University Law Center, Washington DC, April 2013) (link to related article)


“Advancing Women’s Rights in Post-Conflict States: A Focus on Afghanistan, Egypt and Libya,” (Working Group participant, U.S.-Islamic World Forum, Doha, Qatar, June 8 – 11, 2013)


Supervising Attorney, Spring 2020 fact-finding trip (Malawi), International Women’s Human Rights Clinic, Georgetown University Law Center